Produced with
Sustainable systems
The primary source for lab-created emeralds and alexandrite
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Unique stones
Take a look to see unique created stones we have on display. Multi colored beryl stones in violet or red. Special cuts (such as checkerboard, rose cut or cabochon), highly included created emerald stones, large colombian color stones. Rare created stones such as spinel, sapphire, platinum color, bi-color, check out this one of a kind section.

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The implications and dangers of mining
Mining, either on a small or large scale, has various negative side effects and risks. As mining companies today are becoming more aware and accountable for their actions, there are still major concerns that need to be reviewed and consistently improved. There are several controversial concerns of mining such as damage to the environment, land and the miners. However, Tairus Created Gems, has their own solutions to these concerns which are sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly:

The mining industry generates several gigatons of carbon dioxide and green house gases into the atmosphere annually. Nearly one ton of carbon dioxide is emitted for every ounce of gold mined and this number continues to rise.

Physical damage to the land results in erosion, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.

Chemicals such as sulfuric acid and mercury contaminate the soil and water that is emitted from the mining process.

The physical working conditions for the miners are dangerous. The mines can collapse or cave in. The miners are forced to do dangerous and labor intensive work.

Miners are consistently exposed to hazardous chemicals during the mining process which commonly causes respiratory and skin diseases.