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Am I really buying a Created Emerald?
Over the past few years, with many new imitation stones having entered the market, the word lab-created has been misconstrued in numerous ways. In favor of the seller, the buyer is getting a completely different product, thinking they purchased a truly Created Emerald for an amazing price. Depending on the terminology and how the stones are graded, we can quickly filter the legitimacy of a Created Emerald. Lets debunk these sellers:
Excellent Cut Pear 10x7 MM. Lab Created Nanocrystal Emerald
The first example shows a common and misleading way a seller may offer a not legitimate created emerald. The word “Lab Created” is adjacent to the word “Nanocrystal”. These two terminologies are contradicting, as they are two different classified gemstone products. A nanocrystal (glass-based) is defined as an imitation stone and a created emerald is defined as a lab-created stone. The seller will use the word lab-created to intentionally mislead the buyer. For further information about the terminology of how gemstones are classified, please take a look at the what are created gems page.
AAA Rated Nanocrystal Lab Created Emerald Octagon Emerald Cut
Be wary of how these sellers grade Created Emeralds. AAA, AA, A, B grading scheme is how natural emeralds are graded. There is no need and would be deceptive to grade any created emerald in this fashion. In the Created Emerald industry, it is universally known the grading scheme would be in A, B or C format. For more questions about how the stones are graded please feel free to contact Tairus Created Gems.
Extra tips:
Prices: there is a clear price-gap between imitation and lab-created stones.
Hydrothermal process: Truly lab-created emeralds can only be produced through the hydrothermal process. Pulled, Flux, Flame Fusion processes can only produce alexandrite or sapphires. Flux-grown created emeralds have no water, an integral part of any natural emerald.
Contact the seller: Make sure the seller is reputable and legitimate, contact the seller directly to make sure you are buying a truly created emerald.
Be cautious and happy shopping!